ロゴ ミステリーショッピングリサーチ

ミステリーショッピングリサーチとは? イメージ

We have been providing the service in Japan for more than 19 years and mystery shopping research surveys are being conducted for more than 19,000 cases monthly.

Mystery shopping research is a research in which surveys are done by the mystery shopper who will not be identified by the service providers.We are the biggest mystery shopping research company in Japan and we surver more than 19,000 cases monthly. Our main targets are restaurant, retail business, salon, bank and many more.

よりよいお店になるためのお手伝い イメージ

We make your service a "Better one"

Mystery shopping research is a research in which we send our mystery shopper to use the service of a service provider without their awareness.
Mystery shopper will check the service proider according to the request and send a report back to us after the Mystery Shopping Research.
From the report, the service provider will be able to become aware of their strength and weakness and improve their service even further.

Strength of our mystery shopping research

Our mystery shoppers need to understand 3 important points in order to make the report a reliable one. They must use the service with "real customer mindset" and be "responsible to complete the Mystery Shopping Research throughoutly until the end of the service".

1.The report must be based on real customer mindset

お客様目線での調査 イメージ

We emphasize on an opinion from a customer mindset, not that of a business viewpoint or a specialist.

2.The purpose is not to find weakness but strength

指摘だけでなく、良いところを見つける イメージ

The Mystery Shopping Research does not aim to find bad points of the service, but the good points of the service which can be emphasize and develop further as the strength of the service provider.

3.The opinion provided in the report must be relevant, precise and complete.

評価に対するコメントをしっかり書く イメージ

Mystery shopper have to report their feeling and opinion completely and give suggestion for improvement in the part of service that is not evaluated as good. Likewise, if the evaluation is good, the mstery shopper also have to give reason why.