ロゴ ミステリーショッピングリサーチ

This mystery shopping research is managed by MS&Consulting Co.,Ltd.

Privacy policy
This policy is set up such that all mystery shopper can trust us when they give the Mystery Shopping Research information.The following is how mystery shopping research manage with personal information.Please read the privacy policy and make sure you understand thoroughly before using our website.
By using our website, we assume that you have agreed with our privacy policy.
If you feel we are found in violation of Privacy Policy, please contact us via Email.
Purpose of Use of Personal Data
All of the information that you give to us upon registration will only be used for research purpose only.
For example, to offer you with any new Mystery Shopping Research available or to contact you in any manner regarding the Mystery Shopping Research.
Please take note that, if some of the information you give us is incomplete, we may not let you conduct the Mystery Shopping Research.
When received your application of Mystery Shopping Research, in order to select the most suitable mystery shopper, we may ask your experience of the shop.
We remove the mystery shopper information(such as email address, address, telephone number) before handing the report to our clients.
When our clients ask to access to the mystery shopper information, we will consider if the situation is appropriate and will only disclose the information when consent is received from the mystery shopper. Apart from our clinets, we do not disclose or sell personal information to third parties.
Provision of Personal Data
We will not disclose personal data of a mysteyr shopper to third parties without the consent of the mystery shopper from whom the data was obtained, except the following cases:
  • When the mystery shopper has given a prior consent to the disclosure
  • When we have subcontract with another company to undergo internal management
  • When complying with the laws, regulations or ordinances
We do disclose some general information about our mystery shoppers on our website.
However, they are all statistical data and does not include anyspecific personal information.
Security System
We have a strict security system when mystery shopping research is conducted.
This aims to protect mystery shopper's right and personal information.
Inquirues, Disclosure, Deletion Or Correction Of Personal Data
If the mystery shopper wishes to inquire, edit or delete their personal data, we will only response to his or her request after confiming the identity.
Laws And Social Norm.
We appropriately protects personal data in accordance with Personal Data Protection Law and other relevant laws and regulations in Japan,Thailand and Taiwan. Furthermore, we will always revise the Privacy Policy to the latest version to meet the laws and social norm.
Further inquiry
If you have any questions regarding revise the Privacy Policy to the latest versionc, please contact us via Email.