ロゴ ミステリーショッピングリサーチ

Please read the following carefully before registration. All Mystery Shoppers must note and agree to abide by the terms and conditions below.

Real information
To register, you must provide your real information required in the registration form.
Please noted that, if we find your information unreal, we may have the right to ask for additional documents to confirm the identity.
Mystery Shopper's Perspective
You must not let the staff know that you are conducting Mystery Shopping Research.
You must act like a normal customer.
Responsibility to conduct the Mystery Shopping Research and write the report completely.
You have to be responsible to conduct the Mystery Shopping Research and fill in the report completely.
If we found that your report does not meet our requirements, we will ask you to conduct the Mystery Shopping Research again.
If the report still fail to meet our requirements, we will refuse to allow you to conduct the next Mystery Shopping Research.
Please be aware that we will not make the payment for the report until we receive a report that is completed and meet our requirements.
Copyright of the report
Please be aware that we will hold full right to the contents of the report. We also have the right to edit your report freely.
Furthermore, our clients also can use the contents of the report and disclose it to the third parties, while concealing your private personal data.
1.Mystery shopper are not allowed to disclose the information learned from participating in the Mystery Shopping Research (such as information in the website, Mystery Shopping Research result, poll result) to the third parties.
2.You are not allowed to have another person conduct the Mystery Shopping Research for you.
3.You are not allowed to involve in any behavior that prejudice our clients and our business.
4.Behavior that contrary to ordre public or the accepted principles of morality is forbidden.

If you do not follow our terms and condition, we will unqualify you as a mystery shopper and discontinue your registration.

The registration is available in the following countries: Thailand, Singapore, Laos, Myanmer, and other countries.